Published on Tuesday, 13 August 2024 at 4:53:45 PM
Today on #TimeWarpTuesday we are looking back at the first Police Station in Victoria Park.

“Victoria Park's Famous Police Station
“A police presence was established in Victoria Park on November 1st, 1897 in rented accommodation.
“In 1908, provision was made for a Police Station and quarters in the following year’s budget.
“J. G. Fettes won the contract for 961 pounds, one shilling and one penny. This included stables and quarters. On September 29, 1908, the station was completed and Constable Lewis was the first occupant.
“During the twenties, thirties and forties, council and other interested bodies were never content with the degree of police protection. In May 1921, the Town Clerk wrote saying that while one man was on permanent station duty, the other was required to patrol not only the Victoria Park district but also Welshpool, Cannington, part of Jandakot, Queen’s Park, Wattle Grove, Kenwick and Maddington. In 1925, a deputation from Victoria Park Progress Association visited the Minister of Police complaining that there was no night patrol. The Women’s Service Guild approached the Commissioner in 1930 regarding lack of police protection.
“In the first nine months of 1928 there were 77 crimes in a population of 27,000, which included Belmont and Rivervale. By 1935 the strength of the force had increased to 1 sergeant, 6 constables and 2 detectives.
"Some refurbishment took place between 1943 and 1945. Repairs were made to the stables and concrete floor in the office area using wood from dismantled air raid shelters erected in the yard of the police barracks in James St.” (1.)
The former Victoria Park Police Station, at 450 Albany Highway, Victoria Park was added to the State Register of Heritage Places on 7 April 1998, the building also has a Category A listing on the Town’s Local Heritage List. Police personnel and services continued to operate from the building in Albany Highway until 2003 when they moved to new premises in Kensington. Since then the former police station has been home to a real estate office.
Do you have photographs or stories of the former Victoria Park Police Station? We’d love it if you would share them with us, we can scan and return images for you. Please get in touch via email: or via phone: (08) 9373 5500.
- Victoria Park Chamber of Commerce and Industry Inc [1997?], Victoria Park Business & Enterprise 1890s-1990s – 100 Years…down the track, Victoria Park, W.A., p. 10.

PH00206-03 Porter Matthews Real Estate offices, in the former Victoria Park Police Station, circa 2000's.
Local History Collection, Town of Victoria Park Library Service.

PH00206-07 Motorama as seen from the rose gardens in front of the former Victoria Park Police Station, circa 2000’s.
Local History Collection, Town of Victoria Park Library Service.
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